Friday, February 22, 2008

Okay, I have done a little re-vamping to my blog. It is partly in an attempt to make it more exciting for me. I want to be a "better" blogger because I love looking back at everything that has been written in these "pages" and to see how far we have come.

It has been an emotional week for us. Katie's aide whom she has been with for 3 years had her last day on Tuesday. I have cried several times about it over the last few weeks -- it has been hard to explain to Katie - and it was emotional for both myself and Katie's aide, Amy. Amy has been a fabulous aide for Katie as she herself has a grown son who is hearing impaired. She uses a lot of sign language with Katie - which has been a huge asset - and she also has raised a disabled child and has a HUGE amount of patience with Katie. They have a wonderful bond/relationship -- and we are waiting to see what Katies reaction will be to Amy's absence in the classroom. As is typical with autistic children - it may be a few weeks before we really see how Katie will adjust. I took some really great pictures of Katie and Amy and the classroom's Valentines Day party just a few days before Amy's last day -- I used the pictures to make a mini-scrapbook for Amy - but I wanted to post them here as well.
All else is good with the Bauman's. I feel like the weather has finally calmed down enough that we have been able to relax and enjoy the sunshine. I have been able to get some organizational projects completed and am actually thinking about getting out the scrapbooking once again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I am really tired of snow days. I love my kids, but they need to be in school. And at the rate we're going they will be in school until July to make up all of these snowdays.

This was Mary on a snowday last week. It is too cold today to play outside - only 5 degrees with a negative windchill. Plus, both of the girls have once again come down with colds, so not too much outside for them today.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Father Daughter Dance is happening as I write this - and I am pretty proud of myself that I am already posting the pics :) I am sure they will have a great time. Mary is starting to get a cold -- but nothing could keep her from being excited for the Father Daughter Dance !