Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time to do all the things you need to do. I have been feeling especially crazy lately when it comes to getting things done. Between work, the house, the girls - it is a neverending cycle. School is back in full swing - Katie is thriving - continuing to say new words, eat new foods and she is truly a joy to me --- Mary is doing well also - the happy kindergartner tying her shoes, learning to ride a bike without training wheels (which is a trick in the ice and snow :) )

Bill, too, is staying busy with the new line of Hobie's and Hobie cats at the marina. Considering it's 12 degrees outside, the marina is suprisingly steady.

Not much else to report. I'm off for a haircut and then I need to take Katie to her speech therapy. It's always exciting to see how she's progressing ----

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