this morning was the doctor's appointment to find out what is up with Katie. Let's start this by saying that I bawled. So it's not good.
First of all she has some weird bacteria with a two word name that I can't spell or pronounce living in her intestines. The strange thing about this particular bacteria is that the Dr. had never heard of it before, so she did some research on it. It is usually only found in people who live in tropical climates (which Michigan is not), eat a lot of shellfish (she has never eaten any fish) or have prolonged exposure to snakes and/or amphibians (which she also has not) - so how in the heck did she get it. It can be found in tropical freshwater - which if you consider gull lake tropical than that might be the culprate since she has a tendency to drink the water when she swims - she's 3 -- all 3 year olds do that. The doctor is putting her on an antibiotic to try and combat it --
The next thing is the food allergy test -- this is the part that made me cry -- she is allergic to all of the foods that she eats. She can't have rice, wheat, flour, barley, oats, sesame, cow's milk, cheese, soy products, all citrus is out (orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit - which by the way she doesn't eat) -- it's insane. i looked at the doctor and said -- what am I supposed to feed her? The girl survives on grilled cheese, chicken nuggets and pretzels -- she can have chicken, but not the breading -- I don't know what to think.
Now on to the even "better" news - she has heavy metal poisoning (which is very common in autistic kids) - and she has to start taking supplements to try and get her body to naturally rid itself of all the metals it is keeping inside. This is one of the biggest problems with kids like Katie - figuring out how to get the metals out. She has toxic levels of arsenic and a bunch of other metals (the report is downstairs - I can get more specific later) and we need to get them OUT!!!! Well, that is the main jist of it. I'll try to write more tomorrow. I went back to work tonight. -- it was okay ---