Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of School

Hard to believe ...but I am now the parent of a second grader -- and of course, our special Katie. The new header picture is my favorite...Katie getting ready to leave the house for school. Here are some of our other "traditional" first day of school pics...

Overall it was a great day. Katie had a little trouble adjusting first thing, but seemed to calm down into a great day. I still like the new teacher...so that's good. Mary loves her first "boy teacher" as she calls him. He' s all about manners - so I love that...it will be good reinforcement for her. :)
Well...the hectic school pace is already setting in, but I love it. Back to the routine that makes us tick....it will be good.


Fred said...

Glad everything settled down. A "boy teacher." How cool is that?

Jill said...

Fred - I figured you would appreciate the "boy teacher" comment. :) Actually - she already seems to be thrilled with him. He has taught second grade for 11 years and seems to really "get" the kids...so I'm excited!

Is Hannah headed for you?

Alice said...

Yippeee!!! We're all back to school! "Boy teacher" is hilarious. And I love the pics, especially the new header--Katie and Curious George. I'll be interested to hear how her school year goes!

Fred said...

Hannah missed us completely. It's Ike that I'm watching closely. This is the best site for watching hurricanes.