Friday, April 04, 2008

Spring Break Has Begun

I must say that being my first year as a mother with both children in school all day -- Spring Break can be a daunting thing. Both of the girls home for 9 days...and I took the week off of work to boot -- this is going to be exciting. :) Bill has to work as this is the busy time of year at the Marina - that being said - and with gas at a neck-breaking 3.39 a gallon - we aren't going too far this Spring Break. We are doing a day trip with just Mary to ( ) the American Girl Doll Store in is long overdue and has been postponed 3 separate times since December due to illness and weather. But other than that we don't really have much going on.

The weather here is actually supposed to start getting maybe we could get going on Mary's garden -- I wish we could break out the swimming pool, but my husband tells me that I am jumping the gun a little bit on that one. It's only going to be 60 degrees :)

This picture is Mary in one of her new dresses that "Grammoo" made for her to wear this summer. Notice the matching bandana -- it's a Girl Scout thing, that is all I can say about that. I told her we weren't quite at sundress weather yet -- but 7 year olds and Spring Break --
Katie has Spring Fever, too -- but she doesn't look very excited in this pic. Hopefully the nice weather and a little time outside will help.

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